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- info@endolaser.gr
Social security funds
According to the World Health Organization guidelines, social security funds recognize obesity as a disease like any other, which requires treatment.
Private insurance
Private health insurance companies, like social security funds, have a contractual obligation to cover the treatment of morbid obesity of their clients. Due to ignorance, or sometimes due to ulterior motive, certain private health insurance companies try to list bariatric operations as cosmetic procedures, which are not covered. These practices are certainly illegal. World Health Organization has recognized obesity as a disease, like hypertension, coronary artery disease, or cancers. A single exception for not covering the bariatric surgery is in the case that it is clearly stated in the insurance contract that the surgeries against obesity are exempt.
For any further information about public or private insurance coverage, please contact the Obesity Medical Unit by phone on 0030 210 64 10 400.